What is a Vajacial and Where Can I Get One?!
· (1 MIN READ)

If you're new to the term "Vajacial" it's pretty much:
Vagina + Facial = Vajacial
Knowing that, you could imagine what that routine consists of...
Vajacial Steps:
- Deep cleansing
- Exfoliation
- Optional: Extraction (Hair Removal)
- Optional: Mask treatment
- Moisturizer
It's a spa day for your cooch and tbh, it sounds kinda great 😂
Vajacial Near Me
If you're not comfortable "bussin' it wide open" (all exposed) infront of a certified aesthetician, then maybe doing a Do-It-Yourself Vajacial (in the comfort of your own home aka personal vajacial spa) might be a better option.
DIY Vajacial Steps:
- Deep cleansing = Use a gentle soap to cleanse (including, but not inside, lips)
- Exfoliation = Use an (unscented) scrub for your pubic area
- Optional: Extraction = Optionally start by shaving or waxing your bikini area & use a clean pair of tweezers to remove ingrowns (ingrown hair)
- Moisturizer = Apply a light moisturizer (preferably with ingredients like aloe or witch hazel that helps with redness)
Alright, well if you wanted to know how you could give yourself a vajacial (maybe even a weekly vajacial routine), this is your sign!
Go search "vajacial near me" in Google and see what you find :)